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"Chris is extremely clear about framing opportunities and providing information, so there is little second guessing. As changes come along, on-the-fly decision making is more likely to align with original intentions because she understands the big picture."

Dan Cardinali


Grantmaking consulting

Effective grantmaking requires a combination of skills: knowledge of a specific field, an insightful approach to change, a comprehensive understanding of potential grantees and consistent leadership.

Chris Sturgis works with foundations to identify their specific needs, developing processes to expedite learning and ensure the transfer of knowledge and relationships to program officers. With her guidance, individuals learn the ins and outs of grantmaking, and develop a deeper understanding of their leadership roles.

She offers tips on how to cultivate relationships in the field, collaborate with other funders, develop an analytic approach to grantmaking and employ technological tools in order to be effective knowledge workers.



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